Bedeur+Berthet - Fri 17 Dec - 20:30

Vous êtes cordialement invités au concert de José Bedeur, violoncelle et de Pierre Berthet et ses installations sonores à Haekem le vendredi 17 décembre à 20h30.

Programme : 

1/ José Bedeur, qui fête ses 70 ans de carrière musicale, improvisera / interprétera ses compositions imaginaires ou imaginatives tout en nous faisant écouter quelques enregistrements d’archives, certaines remontant loin dans le temps. 

2/ Duo P.B. - J.B . Les installations sonores de Pierre Berthet répandront leurs timbres et bruissements dans l’espace du Haekem incitant José Bedeur à ajouter son grain de sel et créer des contrepoints imprévisibles. 

Installations sonores ?soit la vie éphémère et volatile des objets détournés et agencés pour faire du bruit musical avec un clin d’oeil narquois et subtil

Entrée - contribution libre

Rue de Laeken 66 - 1000 Bruxelles. Covid Safe Ticket demandé. 

Portes ouvertes à 20h.

Haekem: Expo Pense Tête - 2021 October 28 & 29 - 6PM


Paintings and sculptures ; 9 performances ; A full universe to be discovered.
Don't miss this great show.
You are welcome.

Gerard Daval

Expo Pense Tête
Oct 28 & 29, 2021 from 6PM

Sculptures and Paintings:

Magical and ritual universe

Franky Bordo 1577
La Penseuse et le Penseur and more

Live performances:

Skin Surface Substance
Ritual Dance Theatre

Atmospheric Les Paul Gibson

Dark visual industrial

Impro with Theremin, subs & violin

Metal ritual ambient & sitar

Haute sonique

UrZon & Orryelle
Insecteziod industrial & ritual ambient

La Penseuse & le Penseur
Franky Bordo 1577 & Reinout Rinus

The Interactive Womb
Vladimir Kai & Reinout Rinus

Free entrance, hat

Haekem, rue de Laeken, 66 - 1000 Brussels

Thanks Reinout Rinus organizing the show

Artwork: ©Orryelle

Shifting Triangles - Tues Oct 05, 2021 - 9PM

Shifting Triangles is a live music experience meeting in the contemporary field based on free improvisations and subtle exchanges of sounds and musical explorations in real time. 

Musicians are Tom Jackson clarinet - Willy Van Buggenhout analog synth - Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg human voice.

All three are aiming at discover and express new avenues of expressions. They have already performed together and now they will share their own musical identity creating challenging forms and interactive sounds through the instant and the unknown using their musical experience, mutual listening and their imagination. 

Tom Jackson is a leading British clarinet virtuoso in classical contemporary and avant jazz improvisation touring in UK, Belgium, Germany, Slovenia, Italia, Netherlands. Currently working with violist Benedict Taylor, clar./guitarist Alex Ward, percussionnist Vid Drasler and the late pianist Keith Tippett.

Willy Van Buggenhout is handling a vintage analog modular synth and is specialized in electronic music , soundscapes and free improvisation. Willy has a deep experience of performing with many leading improvisers since decades. He is also a Graphic Art expert and historian. His White Smoke Cd with Mike Goyvaarts and Jeffrey Morgan is a particularly challenging album.

Jean Michel Van Schouwburg is one of the few autodidact vocalist improviser having performed and recorded in many EU countries with improvisers such as Lawrence Casserley, John Russell, Jean Demey and Marcello Magliocchi. He is writing currently about improvised music on his own blog.

Art work: Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg

Graphic Studio: Haekem 

Haekem Management: Gerard Daval

Pense-Tête - Fri Jun 25 and Sat Jun 26 - 7PM


We are happy to be back and welcome you again.

Onrust, the legend, will be with us on saturday evening. Don't miss her show (8PM).

More than a year busy work full: Franky Bordo "le Penseur et la Penseuse" will be fully fonctional. A premiere you have to discover and share with the artists (Franky, sculpture and Reinout, visuals, video and music).

And the incredible Vladimir and Reinout "Womb", a performance you have to participate in.

Sculptures from Tina Verstraete and Dirk Van den Abeele.

Gerard Daval
