Visual Adrien & Lionel



Adrien Navez (music)
Lionel Vatellfist

SATURDAY JUNE 29th   19:00
Haekem, rue de Laeken Lakensestraat, 66  1000 Brussels

"Concert de M. VACARME au théâtre du Haekem le samedi 29/06 à 19h !

Ramène tes potos !!!

L'idée c'est qu'on joue de la musique bizarre et que mon bro Lio passe des images bizarres pendant ce temps-là.

What could possibly go wrong?"


As if You were about to sacrifice a nice piece of tofu to our dear Lord Satan in an abandoned factory as you're staring at your feet while there's a naked German dude awkwardly whistling Enjoy the Silence next to your left ear.
GET (reasonably) READY FOR SOME (gentle) NOISE !!

in: As you can

HAEKEM: Next Generation International Improvisors Trio (USA/UK/GER) + Arto van Roy (BE) FRID JUNE 28th 19:00

Visual Gerard DAVAL AI

Some fresh air!


Next Generation International Improvisers

FRIDAY JUNE 28th  19:00

European Music Collective ft. 
Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson (USA), 
Laurence Gaudreau (CAN), 
Christoph Götzen (GER)
+ Arto van Roy (BE) - solo

EMC - The "European Music Collective" is a union of musicians from all over Europe, with focus on improvised and contemporary music.

EMC is featuring NYC-based musician Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson on trombone, Laurence Gaudreau (CAN) on cello & Christoph Götzen (GER) on electric guitar.

Appearing within the world’s leading improvisors scene in Europe and America, these haunting souls are an exciting example and hint of what the future in improvised music will look like. Reconnecting in Europe in Summer 2024, they will be on Tour for a carte blanche of free improvised music which is uncompromising and above all an unforgettable musical encounter of promising young talent from the USA, Canada and Germany.

Arto van Roey
As an opening act for their concert in Hakem Theatre, they invited Brussels-bases guitarist Arto van Roey for a solo set of his new project "Bower".
Arto van Roey (BE) acoustic and electric guitar (solo)

'Bower' is a new solo project by Arto Van Roey. A search for compelling finger-picking patterns from which dense carpets of overtones emerge, with a strong and fanatical passion (or obsession) for experimenting with different touches on the (acoustic) guitar, combined with electric and deconstructed chord progressions, sounds, colours and silences.

The Next Generation International Improvisors Trio (USA/UK/GER) consists of some of the most ambitious youngsters of the improvising scene. 

Their playing is fresh, timeless, fearless, and surprising.

Appearing within the world’s leading improvisors scene in Europe and America, these haunting souls are an exciting example and hint of what the future in improvised music might look like. 

Reconnecting in Europe in Summer 2024, they will be on Tour for a carte blanche of free improvised music which is uncompromising and above all an unforgettable musical encounter of promising young talent from the USA, UK and Germany."

Press release & info:

Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson (USA)

Homepage: https://avoiceiwanttoshare.net
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lemwell7/
Music: https://rb.gy/kt71t9

Milana Sarukhanyan (UK)

Homepage: https://www.msoprano.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milana_sarukhanyan/
Music: https://rb.gy/2mqqhc

Christoph Götzen (GER)

Homepage: https://christophgoetzen.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christoph.goetzen/
Music: https://rb.gy/3y6c5b https://rb.gy/bpgt5l

Haekem: Matthieu C Vergez I Arnaud Riedinger ! Thursday June 27th 20:00

Visual: Vergez & Riedinger


Arnaud Riedinger (Feyd) & Matthieu C Vergez

Thursday June 27th 20:00

Haekem, rue de Laeken Lakensestraat, 66  1000 Brussels

- Matthieu C Vergez -
L'approche sonore de Matthieu C.Vergez oscille variablement entre poésie, noise tempérée et minimalisme. Dans une approche résolument improvisée et expérimentale, à l’aide d’une guitare électrique, de cassettes à bande ou d'objets divers, il suscite un assemblage de scènes, de sons sobres, rémanents. Parfois, le texte inclusif et intimiste s'immisce comme une suspension. 
Ses concerts se façonnent dans un ensemble de mouvements tranchés et récitatifs, liés par un fil ténu, presque indicible. 

- Arnaud Riedinger ( Feyd ) -
Ajusteur touche-à-tout et improvisateur iconoclaste, Arnaud Riedinger ( Feyd ) compose ses univers sonores dodelinant entre baroque et distorsion, mélancolie et onirisme.
Ses improvisations à partir de percussions, cordes, électronique et tripotage d'objets, génèrent des matières rythmées, décomposées et brutes, relevées de ritournelles aux mélodies fragiles.



Venez fêter la musique au son de doux synthétiseurs portés par des rythmes forts et des voix ethérées.

3 projets de pop electronique déviante dans le cadre intimiste du Haekem.

Sarah Maï :
Musique de salon aux synthés doux et boîte à rythme décidée

Bulie Jordeaux :
Balades envoûtantes entre ombre et lumière sur fond de synthés épais et de percus qui sautillent

Paul emploi :
Chansons fragiles sur nappes de claviers et rythmes câlins

Artwork: Zoé Pichon