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Haekem: Andrea Tonero + Sylvain Monchocé - Saturday May 13th 7:30PM

Back from a Tour in Korea and Japan...

"Monchocé/Tonero is a duo of improvised music where the listening process of the two musicians allows the dialog between the prepared piano and the prepared gayageum/flute/saxophone to create suspended moments in time that broaden the space...

 ...The sounds coming from each one of them melt into one large soundscape of rich intertwined textures, creating poetic atmospheres in which silent and quiet moments dialog with high energetic and dense layers of sound...

Andrea Tonero - prepared piano
Sylvain Monchocé - gayageum, bass flute, alto saxophone"

Saturday May 13th - 7:30PM

You are welcome!

Gerard Daval

Haekem Theatre - Lakensestraat, 66 - rue de Laeken, 66 - 1000 Brussel - Bruxelles

Artwork: Sylvain Monchocé
Photos : Marie Caron
Graphisme: Haekem
Management: Gerard Daval