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Showing posts with label #improvisedmusic #freeimprovisation #improvisation #brussels #haekem #gerarddaval #orryelledefenestratebascule #rinus #freofortuna. Show all posts

Haekem: « Esezezus » by Orryelle -book and album Europe launch (BXL)- Thursday May 25th

The launch of Esezezus
Haekem Theatre - Lakensestraat, 66 - rue de Laeken, 66 - 1000 Brussel - Bruxelles

Thursday, May 25th - 7:00PM

"After the UK Launch in London, the European launch of Orryelle's new esoteric book and album 'Esezezus' in Brussels expands to include a full musical ensemble to accompany his poetry, song, and violin, plus an exhibition of original drawings and painting from the book...

Esezezus is an exploration of the Magic of Language, particularly in verse - both in the form of an exegesis on the subject; and also by example as it compiles over a decade’s worth of esoteric poetry by the author. This ranges from the cosmic and evocational to the personal, in a diversity of styles and forms.

Extracts of ritual theatre productions in verse are also included, and the work is richly illustrated by the author-artist in multiple media - drawings, oil paintings, and photographs from sculptures and performances.

For the European Launch in addition to Orryelle's solo performance, he is also performing new improvisational musical renditions of verses from the book with RinOrrFreyus.

The composite musical beast which was RinOrrCius continues to mutate, now featuring effected bass by Fre Fortuna as well as electronic frequencies from Rinus and voice & violin from Orryelle.

As the central essay in the book explores especially the vibrational aspects of poetic language - ie when spoken or sung rather than only written - it comes with an album (CD & streaming code) of magical music by the author and collaborators, wherein many of the verses in the book are orated or sung accompanied by a wide range of musical accompaniment from neoclassical to experimental electronica.

Esezezus is a new word referring to the bliss of ‘Tongues’ as both physical vessels of language and languages themselves. As the Word (made flesh) ‘Language’ itself comes from French Langue meaning Tongue (the organ) they are really one, and can only thus be differentiated or split by speaking/act- ing with Forked Tongue (dividing the concept and its means)."

You are welcome!

Gerard Daval

Artwork: Orryelle
Photos : Orryelle
Graphisme: Haekem
Management: Gerard Daval