Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts

Ce vendredi à Bruxelles, venez ou passez parole, merci!

"Chers amis,
ce Vendredi 12 Octobre à 20h

L'Haekem Thêatre de Bruxelles présente la première:

"Démonstration pratique de pourquoi 

on est tous bâtis comme des montagnes"

de Tuia Cherici

menée par des objets
sus l'oeil d'une caméra
à son tour projetée sur grand-écran
sus l'oeil des spectateurs
à leur tour participants
à la manipulation
au discours polyglotte
au chant
aux questions
de Tuia
sur la plasticité géophysique de la mémoire.

La mémoire n'est pas un petit lieu de stockage placé dans notre cerveau
Elle est plutôt une action créatrice qui n'arrête jamais de transformer la réalité.

Elle fourmille et bout par tout dans notre corps
en façonnant l'identité de toute chose
et de nous même

Cela dit, cette démonstration mènera complètement par d'autres chemins et il sera difficile de ne pas s'y perdre...
Venez tous, amenez vos trous de mémoire à remplir de doutes ,
diffusez l'événement et faites venir d'autres gens encore et encore, ouii!!

Car je viens de loin, de Marseille, je me suis renfermée travaillant tout seule dans l'Haekem pour 11 jours sans cesse pour vous offrir cette expérience participative inédite, et si jamais ça marche, ça se peut seulement avec vous!"

Tuia Cherici

Tuia Cherici, live demonstration,
Friday October 12th
8:00 PM

SENSOR: High energy Jazz Tour - Fri Oct 5th - 8PM

What do You think of this piece of music: ?

On their European Tour, SENSOR High Energy Jazz will play at 
Haekem on Friday 5th October, 8PM
Come on in, you are welcome!

Want to share a gig afterwards?
BYOI! (Bring your own instrument)...

Gerard Daval

Mark Weschenfelder: Saxophone
Noah Punkt: Double Bass
Florian Lauer: Drums
Pls see:

Pls listen to: SENSOR on Soundcloud

Legal notice:

Copyright © 2018 Haekem. All rights reserved. Haekem is a registered trademark. All trademarks, service marks, names, trade dress, product names and logos appearing on the mail are the property of their respective owners.
Haekem Cultural Mail list is GPRD compliant. Haekem never sell, exchange your datas. No subcontractor. Datas are safely protected. E-mail sending is provided by Apple.
If You want to be removed from the list, mail at: All Your datas will be destroyed.
Artworks: Sensor.
Graphics Studio: Haekem - Gerard Daval.

The Specific Plea of Tuia - Mon 1st till Thur 11th Oct

The specific plea of Tuia:

Bonjour à vous en Bruxelles, 
en tant qu'artiste italienne implantée à Marseille je vous appelle

Je serais du 1er jusqu'au 13 octobre hébergée par l'Haekem Thêatre
pour découvrir et vous présenter "Moi en tant que montagne" (Io montagna)
et y ça sera accompli le 12 octobre à 20h, entre d'autres surprises de Manucinéma.

Tout au long de la résidence je suis heureuse de pouvoir jouer mes objets et mon regard avec
vôtres instruments et votre musique.
Je cherche à réaliser un film en temps-réel, improvisé, avec vous.
Une rencontre de "Manucinema": voici un exemple

Merci pour me contacter pour toute information supplémentaire,
merci pour diffuser mon appel à rencontre
merci pour venir le 12 octobre voir ou/et participer
merci à Gerard de l'Haekem Thêatre

vivement j'espère à très bientôt!

fb: Tuia Cherici Manucinema Projet Oniroscope


• 25-30 septembre
  TaT festival Molenbeek, Bruxelles
• 1- 12 octobre
  Residence de création à l'Haekem Thêatre, Bruxelles
• 12 octobre
  "Io montagna" première à l'Haekem thêatre Bruxelles
• 14 octobre à Kühlspot, Berlin
  Manucinema avec Hui-Chun Lin et Els Vandeweyer


"The CALL of Tuia", part of Haekem sponsoring.

It's new: Haekem proposes to sponsorise* YOUR work too.

Involving everybody in improvisation art is our moto.

Everyone's creativity enjoying this incomparable experience is our aim.

Thanks to Tuia to be the first of a kind.

From 2nd to 11th October, come freely* at Haekem, create and improv.

Even if You are not fully accustomed to!
Tuia, You and great mood will deliver! As freely as improv art!
Come along with your instrument (voice, body, musical device, camera, etc.).
And let's improvise together!

Pls, simply registrer (name, date, instrument) before at:
It's free.

See You.

Gerard Daval

Legal notice:
*Pls ask for details: Copyright © 2018 Haekem. All rights reserved. Haekem is a registered trademark. All trademarks, service marks, names, trade dress, product names and logos appearing on the mail are the property of their respective owners.
Haekem Cultural Mail list is GPRD compliant. Haekem never sell, exchange your datas. No subcontractor. Datas are safely protected. E-mail sending is provided by Apple.
If You want to be removed from the list, mail at: All Your datas will be destroyed.
Artworks: Tuia Chierici.
Graphics Studio: Haekem - Gerard Daval.

The Gamut Collective - Sat Sept, 15th - 8pm

Improvise with a large band! 
Thanks to Gamut Collective. They provide this ultimate experience.
Come along with your instrument (voice, body, musical device, etc.). 
And let's improvise together!

See You

Gerard Daval

Molecules Improvisation

„One. Singularity. Big bang. Incarnation. The first breath. One possibility. An infinite universe from one possibility. Unity.“

That’s how the Zurich based composer & improviser Tobias Meier describes the first part of his piece „Molecules“, which he composed exclusively for the Gamut Kollektiv.

It can be called a modular composition, consisting of twelve parts and giving the seven musicians the freedom to always chose what and when to play (or not to play).

These twelve elements coexist in this molecular universe, contrasting each other, blending together, at times in a concrete and distinctive way, at times sounding like a distant memory or an abstract thought.
The piece brings a strong collectiveness to light, at the same time allowing every musician to actively shape the piece - making it sound different and unique every time.

To finish in Tobias Meier’s words: „Molecules evolves as a possible universe that expands after the big bang, decelerates and almost comes to a standstill at the point of maximum expansion, then contracts again, accelerates and eventually ends in a singularity once more.„

The Gamut Collective, Molecules Improvisation
Saturday September, 15th 2018

Part #1: Molecules Improvisation
Silvan Schmid (trp)
Tapiwa Svosve (asax) 
Tobias Pfister (tsax)
Philipp Eden (p) 
Vojko Huter (guit) 
Xaver Rüegg (b)
Paul Amereller (dr)

Part #2: Let's improvise together
You, the audience and them


"The Gamut Collective stands for research, the unfinished, pieces in motion, progress; it is a breeding ground for ideas, experiments and processes.

Like musician’s initiatives from Berlin, Cologne, Vienna, Graz and Berne, the Gamut Collective wants to open up suitable spaces in Zurich and acts as a zone for communication between different musicians and artists coming from diverse stylistic and geographical origins.

The collective consists of seven young musicians from Zurich, who express themselves freely in their own music and, through their (mutual) exchange, create an agile collaboration and dynamic: a musicians’ pool, which is held together and supported by a shared artistic vision.
In addition to the annual Gamut Festival, the Gamut Collective also runs a concert series which creates an individual platform involving improvising musicians with every concert.

Each concert takes place at a different and unique place; hence, the collaboration with various scenes is being supported and conceptually integrated in new ways.
Furthermore in the fall of 2018 their Edition Gamut will be launched with two publications."

Doors: 6PM
Concert: 8PM
Contribution Towards Expenses: 12€ ; Preregistration (please register : and student (card needed): 6€

Swiss Zimmerman Trio + Dancer! Sat 23 Jun 8PM

International renowned Trio ‘Zimmerlin Stoffner Meier’, origin Swiss, will perform together with the dancer Maja Zimmerlin at Haekem, Sat June 23th.

Bringing their four instruments together they will be creating a dense fusion of sound and movement:

e-cello, e-guitar, drums and dance. Pls see "Forewords", below.

A tremendous Improvised Event You can't afford to miss!


Alfred Zimmerlin (e-cello) 
Flo Stoffner (e-guitar)
David Meier (drums)
Maja Zimmerlin (dance)

“Letting loose is the driving force of this comprehensive generational trio that jettisons and unleashes, with symbiotically spontaneous reactions and a delicate feel for what the music offers in the moment, the yet to be heard.
In this formation the three daring improvisationalists fare range from atonal, expressive chamber music to a multilayered onomatopoeia captured as an interplay breathing between density and lightness. (Flo Keller)”





Florian Stoffner
Born 1975. He is a improvising musician and guitarist.
He has taken part in various formations in a wide range of music.
He is currently working with his trio Stoffner Lovens Mahall, with the trio Zimmerlin Stoffner Meier, as well as with the band Anna & Stoffner, as well as with the saxophonist Albert Cirera.
Concerts in Europe, USA and Russia.
Working with people like Hans Koch, Evan Parker, Joe Lovano, Dewey Redmen, Kidd Jordan, Michael Brecker, Flo Götte, Joy Frempong, Martin Schütz...

Alfred Zimmerlin 
was born 1955.
He studied musicology and ethnomusicology at Zurich University, music theory and composition.
He has taken an active part in the “Werkstatt für improvisierte Musik” (WIM, Workshop for Improvised Music) Zurich since 1980. 
Alfred Zimmerlin’s ample oeuvre comprises pieces for piano, chamber music (with and without live-electronics), vocal music, orchestral music, music for theatre, and works for radio and film.
He was recieved several prices, amongst them 2014 the Cultural Award of the canton of Zurich/Switzerland and was nominated for the Swiss Music Award 2016.
He is professor for free improvisation at the FHNW University of Music in Basle/Switzerland.
As an improvising musician and cellist, Alfred Zimmerlin has taken part in various formations in Europe and the US.
From 1983 on he has been active member of KARL ein KARL, improvising and composing in cooperation with Peter K Frey and Michel Seigner, the distinctive feature of this trio being the fact that all compositional decisions are being made and accounted for collectively. He is also a member of the trios Kimmig-Studer-Zimmerlin and Zimmerlin Stoffner Meier. Alfred Zimmerlin’s compositions, his work as improvising musician as well as the works of KARL ein KARL are available on numerous recordings.

David Meier
Drummer and composer David Meier (*1985 in Lucerne, Switzerland) co-founded the internationally active Swiss band Schnellertollermeier (with Andi Schnellmann and Manuel Troller) in 2006 which plays uncompromising music ranging from modern composition, minimal music and improv to raw rock music. In a trio with cellist Alfred Zimmerlin and guitarist Flo Stoffner as well as in the band Things to Sounds and other ensembles he explores the possibilities of his instrument and his musical language in the context of free improvised music.
His energetic playing and organic sound have let him become a sought-after drummer in Switzerland and across Europe.

Maja Zimmerlin
The Swiss Dancer and Choreographer Maja Zimmerlin is based in Brussels.
Since 2014 she is creating and dancing for the company Triodo.
For many years she has been exploring in the field of free improvisation, collaborating with various musicians and ensembles.
Currently she is involved in the project EXODOS by Unités/Nomades, a creation which moves between the fields of dance, circus and visual performance.

Expo Sint Laurentius - Fri 15 & Sat 16 June - 6PM


Erwin Van der Jeught,
Philip Volckaert,
Bert Lezy,
Francky Bordo,
Rinus Van De Melkwegboer,
Transsonic Knocking Down,
The Flying Ostriches,
Two Guitars,
D!D! De Paris,

will be at Haekem on Friday 15 June and Saturday 16 June 2018.
After 6PM.

Gent Scene is at Haekem, Downtown Brussels!

Don't miss DADA spirit, Performance, Music, Poetry, Self-Live Out and more.
Only place to listen and see and experience their Gent Soul in Brussels!

See You

Gerard Daval

Parallel Asteroid & Violin+ - Fri 1st June - 8PM

More than ever, Haekem support and promote promising and renowned young Artists from the XP, Contemporary Classical Improvised Music International Scene.

Friday 1st June: Two outstanding Duos at Haekem.

One directly from Austria: Parallel Asteroid, Cao Thanh Lan and Gregor Siedl.
Duo Siedl/Cao is one of 5 groups from Austria that are selected for the renowned program New Austrian Sound of Music 2018-2019 in the category Contemporary Music.They are already touring all over the world and they will stop at Downtown Brussels Haekem.

The Second: Violin+, Dejana Sekulic (violinist) and Gilles Doneux.
Music for prepared violin, motion sensors and electronics.

We highly recommend this quality musical programming.

Siedl & Cao are patronized by The Austrian Cultural Forum and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

See U.

Gerard Daval

Friday 1st June - 8pm
Haekem, Downtown Brussels

with the support of

Set #1 Parallel Asteroid
Cao Thanh Lan (VN): Analog Synthesizer

Gregor Siedl (AT): Clarinet, Gamecalls

Electro-acoustic composition and improvisation for saxophone, gamecalls and 

analogue synthesizer

Parallel Asteroid connects experimental, acoustic and electronic sounds with the aesthetics of contemporary music.

Their work is a research into the relationship between electronic and organic sounds. 
The synthesizer with its super-human capabilities extends, blends in and sometimes hides inside the acoustic heart, while the clarinet/saxophone brings the human vitality and organic texture to the sound combination.

The musicians are the Vietnamese pianist and synthesizer player – Cao Thanh Lan and Gregor Siedl from Austria on clarinet/saxophone, gamecalls and tubes.

Parallel Asteroid have been touring extensively in Europe, Japan, Brazil, China, Taiwan and Vietnam.
This concert is kindly supported by Österreichisches Kulturforum Brüssel.

Set #2 Violin+

Dejana Sekulic (RS) concept performance with Gilles Doneux (BE)

Temporality of the Impossible:
Violin+ explores some of the curious, exciting, peculiar, adventurous music and wondrous sonar worlds of pieces for prepared violin and violin with performative electronics.

In the later, the duo explores roles of instruments and performer, of acoustic and electronic, of characteristics and sound, playing with actions, interactions and hierarchies.

**How impossible is the “impossible”? The lasting curiosity of composers in
exploring expression through music continues the legacy of creating pieces that are
fresh, “new” and challenging not only for listening, but also to artistry of playing.
Subsequently, performers continue to be challenged by these pieces demanding
unconventional approaches.

“Temporality of the Impossible” focuses on these challenges, and addresses two important and inseparable parts of music and performance: the tangible and the abstract.**

The violin courtesy of Thomas Meuwissen (
More about Dejana:
More about Gilles:

Σ Cardinal Improvisation... - Thu 31 May - 8PM

Blind date or good friends? 
This quartet (whose members span the globe, from New Zealand to Norway) are very new indeed, even though its members have shared plenty of musical experiences together.

Sarah, Oda and Jonathan played in October 2017 in a large improvisation ensemble, performing conducted pieces by Tristan Honsinger and Emilio Gordoa.
Oda and Tyge are not only a married couple, but they also have a long history of performing together in various ensembles.

Sarah and Jonathan have shared some intense musical moments when improvising with dance and music.

Tyge and Jonathan form the duo “Fremdkörper”, which first performed in Berlin in November 2017.

See U. Gerard Daval

Thursday 31 May 2018

Booking: haekem@gmail.

Sarah Claman (NZ) – Violin
Oda Mathilde (NO) – Cello
Tyge Jessen (DK) – Trumpet
Jonathan Nagel (DE) – Contrabass

Foreword, pls consult:

NAMU3: Live! - Sat 28 Apr - 8PM

Action painting in sound

Steve Gibbs (USA/BE) 8 string prepared guitar, voice

Joachim Raffel (DE) percussion, found objects, voice
Willem Schulz (DE) cello

”A musical amalgam whose presence is quite simply without parallel in the musical sphere, an improvised sonic landscape that adjusts our perception of collective improvisation in a new way” - Jazz Podium (DE)

28 April 8PM NAMU3 will play at Haekem.
I will perform along a live video performance.
Please come with your musical instrument (body, voice, device) to improvise in a creative jam.

See U. Gerard Daval

Eery, unidentifiable atmospheres, gripping colours, minute detail, silence, brutal attacks, primitive visceral energy ... Namu3 describes their real time creation process as “action painting in sound”, a perpetually evolving landscape integrating a hugely diverse baggage from contemporary classical music through non-Western ritual traditions, Dada and noise metal. Polydisciplinary collaborations have included saxophonist Anna-Lena Schnabel, vocalist Guylaine Cosseron, video artists Jérémy Carpenet and Helmuth Kohn, dancers Milton Paulo and Javier Suarez, or historic mechanical looms and technicians in a 16th century weaving museum. Joyous, contagious, violent, tender, enigmatic …

Steve Gibbs (USA/BE) 8 string guitar, voice 

With a field of activity spanning recitals, research and multidisciplinary creation, Gibbs has developed a radically personalized 8 string concert guitar with embedded captors that enables him to approach lute and keyboard music, contact noise and odd string fractions within a single instrument. Over 40 years of career has performed in Europe, USA and Asia. In addition to Western music, his professional training includes Carnatic and Buddhist chant and Korean shamanist percussion. At present he is preparing to record a new arrangement of J.S.Bach's Complete Lute Works for Japanese label Da Vinci Edition.

Joachim Raffel (DE) percussion, found objects, voice

Following Jazz Piano studies at Amsterdam School of Arts in the 1980s, Joachim Raffel went on to study composition with Bob Brookmeyer and Bill Dobbins at Cologne Highschool of Music. To date he has released 8 CDs as leader, composer, pianist and percussionist and received 3 jazz awards. His output also includes large scale minimal pieces (such as Minimaloption for vocal ensemble, indian harmonium, percussion and dance) and film music (for Franco-German production Daimonion). Over the last 15 years, Joachim Raffel progressively extended his activities into the field of improvised music and noisescape, developing a highly personal use of prepared piano, percussion and found objects.

Willem Schulz (DE) cello

Composer and performance artist Willem Schulz started classical cello at a very young age and has dedicated much of his life and work to seeking out the most diverse and multiple possibilities of this instrument. In the 1960s he came under the influence of Performance and Happening artists of the Fluxus and New Music movements. His many collectives dedicated to research in sound art and improvisation include Ensemble Musica Negativa, NED, Dekadenz, open string quartet, TATUNTAT and EIS / the first improvising orchestra. His driving interest is the investigation of the limits of musicality and sound, and their interaction with all possible forms of artistic expression and communication.

Winds, Xaviere ft Maija - Clarinets - Sat 21 Apr - 8PM

We are honored and lucky to welcome an extraordinary team of which one member already gave at Haekem a memorable "air" performance.

Saturday, Liège features Helsinki (Finland) in a bodacious Clarinet, bass Clarinet, Sax, and Electronic Wind Instrument Improvised Concert.

Xavière Fertin: Clarinet
Maija Anttila: Clarinet, bass Clarinet, Saxophone and EWI.

Supported by the Finnish Music Foundation (MES)

See You.

Gerard Daval

Winds, Xavière ft Maija

Concert, improvised music
Saturday 21 April 2018

Haekem, downtown Brussels

Maija Anttila (1988) is a Finnish musician, currently living in Amsterdam. With her instruments clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone and EWI she she is dedicated to performing music of our time, playing numerous premiers of solo -, chamber - and orchestral works and receiving new compositions from several composers.
In her solo programs Maija creates an organic sound flow by combining written pieces to improvised music. Her new solo set consists of music for clarinets and live-electronics, including works from Matilda Seppälä, Hannu Pohjannoro and Igor C Silva.

Xavière Fertin

D.U.O. Christine Bertocchi & Guillaume Orti - Sat 31 March - 8PM

"With this duo, Christine Bertocchi and Guillaume Orti offer an intimate experience based on the confrontation of two voices of the same range.
A specific acoustic experience, in which timbres exploration intends to be the sound crystallization of the specificities of the space."

Such an amazing experience. See You. Gerard Daval

Christine Bertocchi, voice
Guillaume Orti, soprano saxophone

Saturday 31 March


Pls see:

Born in 1974, Christine begins performing on stage at a young age, in 1989, in singing and theater shows directed by Patrick Font.
During this period she still pursued her training in acting, singing and contemporary dance (CNR in Grenoble and workshops). From 1992 on her interest guided her towards multidisciplinary works and she began working for choreographers and theater directors, such as Bruno Meyssat (1993-1999). Christine pursued her training in lyrical singing in Paris. She completed an internship at the Centre Acanthe in contemporary vocal music with Françoise Kubler (2002).

Christine is also a certified Feldenkrais practitioner since 2000 and holds a diploma in anatomy and voice physiology with phoniatrician Guy Cornut and Blandine Calais-Germain

Guillaume was born in 1969.
After studying for four years at the Conservatoire de Région d’Avignon with André Jaume in jazz and with Robert Malbec and Jacques Person in classical saxophone, he moved to Paris (1989) where he met people who had a real impact in his work, such as Benoît Delbecq with whom he started the Kartet group, just before attending a workshop at Banff (Canada) under Steve Coleman’s supervision.
This experience had a crucial impact on his musical development.

In the 90s he played a big part in the improvised music scene taking place at the Instants Chavirés.
He co-founded the Hask in 1993, and Mercoledi & Co in 1996, two entities that always put forward practice and collective creativity.

As an improviser and composer, Guillaume works on the relationship between dance/music and text/music, which he does more specifically in the “à mesure” duet, by Christine Bertocchi (voice) and Eric Chalan (double bass), for which he composes with Ghislain Mugneret (author).

Photo: Fabien Buring
Artworks, Graphic Studio: Haekem - Gerard Daval

Eric Arn & Margaret Unknown - Fri 23 March - 8PM

Max (Margaret) and I are touring in late March. Do you think something can happen at Haekem?

Couple of months ago I received this opportunity.
A list of disk, links, soundcloud, etc. followed*.
I carefully experienced and... they both will be at Haekem on Friday 23 March.

I hope You will have a crush on there work, as I did.

From Press Release:
"Explosive free-guitar veterans Eric Arn (Feeding Tube, Feathered Coyote) and Margaret Unknown (Golden Lab Records, Wireglobe Recordings) will be touring Europe as a duo this winter.

They are available for a concentrated dose of brain-bending and string-destroying sound experimentation in Brussels on 23 March, 2018.

For 10 years, the duo of guitarists Eric Arn (Primordial Undermind, Outer Vortex, Bird People) and Margaret Unknown ((In) The Abyssity of Grounds, Seele, Guele Populaire) have been exploring the outer reaches of improvised music with results as fascinating as they are audacious.
Using advanced and extended technique but discarding conventional foundations of music, they eliminate boundaries between psychedelic explorations, freedom music, abstract noise, and contemporary composition.
They are releasing their first duo LP ‘Paranza Corta’ on Feeding Tube Records in February 2018."

KLASIK4SAX underground - Sat 3 March - 8PM

Four musicians coming from Spain, France, Italy and Israel found each other while studying in the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.
They joined together in order to express their passion: making chamber music that shows music has no borders.
This young energetic quartet will take you on a journey through time and space with original pieces for saxophone quartet and transcriptions from baroque to contemporary times.
The quartet already performed in Belgium, France and Luxembourg.
They won the European chamber music competition of Luxembourg in November 2017.

Pieces by Palestrina, Bach, Pierné, Singelee, Shostakovich and James.


Saturday 3 March
Haekem'Foyer opening: 7PM
Vegan meals, burgers, paninis, traditional dishes are served.
Large choice of local, regional and special Belgian beers presently available.
Concert: 8PM

Entrance: 12€
PreSales, Students, Jobless: 5€ (Pls register at
THX Maayan James organizing this event.
BIO (By Invitation Only)

Haekem Theatre, Contemporary, XP & Improv Music. Downtown Brussels. Unique.
Lakensestraat 66 rue de Laeken
1000 Brussels
Metro: Sainte Catherine / Sint Katelijne

Metro & 4mn walk:
Probably, the best way to Haekem
• Metro Station:
- Sainte Catherine / Sint Katelijne,
- Exit opposite "St Catherine",
- Follow till former de Brouckère Column, by the right of the pond.
• Look on your right and follow:
- Grand Hospice Str,
- Till its end (about 250m).
• There, turn right:
- Laeken Str,
- Follow till 66.
Welcome to Haekem.

Legal notice: Copyright © 2018 Haekem. All rights reserved. Haekem is a registered trademark. All trademarks, service marks, names, trade dress, product names and logos appearing on the blog are the property of their respective owners.
Artworks, Graphics Studio: Haekem - Gerard Daval.
Photo: Maayan James

Rebekka Van Bockstal & Machiel Heremans - Sat 24 Feb - 8PM

This Young Guitar duo will be playing original music and improvised sketches.
Sound, experiment and atmosphere are the main principles of their performance.
Rebekka and Machiel got to know each other from the Royal Conservatory of Brussels where they both studied at the Jazz department.

Their music is influenced by modern jazz players like Bill Frisell and Gilad Hekselman.

See U
Gerard Daval

In practice:
Rebekka Van Bockstal (Guitar) & Machiel Heremans (Guitar)

SATURDAY 24 Feb 2018
Doors: 7:00pm
Performance: 8:00pm
Entrance: 14,00€
Pre-Sale: 8€ - You should be registered on
BIO (Private Show, By Invitation Only)
THX Rebekka Van Bockstal, for organizing this event!


Haekem Theatre, Contemporary, XP & Improv Music. Downtown Brussels. Unique.

Lakensestraat 66 rue de Laeken
1000 Brussels
Metro: Sainte Catherine / Sint Katelijne

Metro & 4mn walk:
Probably, the best way to Haekem
• Metro Station:
- Sainte Catherine / Sint Katelijne,
- Exit opposite "St Catherine",
- Follow till former de Brouckère Column, by the right of the pond.
• Look on your right and follow:
- Grand Hospice Str,
- Till its end (about 250m).
• There, turn right:
- Laeken Str,
- Follow till 66.
Welcome to Haekem.

Legal notice:
Copyright © 2018 Haekem. All rights reserved. Haekem is a registered trademark. All trademarks, service marks, names, trade dress, product names and logos appearing on the mail are the property of their respective owners.
Artworks, Graphics Studio: Adobe - Haekem - Gerard Daval.
Artists Photos: Rebekka Van Bockstal